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Cross and Crown - F,1

Faith United Methodist Church Sanctuary Window - F,1

As you enter the narthex entrance to the sanctuary at Faith United Methodist Church, this is the first window in the back left of the sanctuary, and is designated for this journey as window F,1.

The glass at Faith United Methodist Church is again a mixture of cut and hand stained glass. The hand-staining, however, is much more for accent and detail purposes meant to accentuate the stained color of the cut class used in the design of the window.

We will again begin our journey from the frame edge of the window and work our way in to center. We are drawn to the first row of cut glass made of blues and red that remind us of our connection with Heaven through the shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Themes of Hope, Sincerity and Piety in the blue cut glass bring us to the reality that without the great love of God in the gift of his son Jesus, our hope would be lost and our journey futile.

The main body of the window is full of pastel colors of pink, green, yellow, blue and orange cut glass affording us the view of a rainbow in all it's splendor as the light floods through and fills the sanctuary with a heavenly show. This rainbow of light reminds us of the union between humanity and God and God's covenant with us for all time. There are also interspersed wedges of cut glass that are Blue, Red and Yellow. Reminding us that the unity and covenant of God are powerful and accessible to us, bringing us hope through the blood of Christ.

Surrounding the center symbol is a ring of red glass that reminds us that our journey through life through the blood of Christ is what enables us to truly experience each of the gifts depicted at the center of the window. The blue background reminds us of hope, sincerity and piety. The shape of the center focal point at first glance seems to be a diamond. If we look closer, however, we will see that in fact it forms an eight pointed star. This is a special star representing for us a symbol in itself of Regeneration and Holy Baptism. Through each of these symbols in the sanctuary at Faith United Methodist Church, we are invited into a journey of regeneration and reminded of the holy family that we are adopted into through our baptism.

The symbol at the center is The Cross and Kingly Crown. This is a Latin Cross that is made of striking red cut glass with hand stained black detail markings. The red reminds us of the blood of Christ spilled on the cross and the love of God poured out for us at the crucifixion. The gold or yellow Kingly Crown is made of dark yellow cut glass with hand stained detail markings. This is the Crown of Eternal Life reminding through the divine nature, power and glory of God, that death was overcome. We are reminded through this symbol that we, as believers in Christ who lived, died and rose from the dead for our sake, are afforded the gift of salvation and eternal life if we will but call on God's name.

I end by giving thanks for the life of Miss Lee Montgomery and those who gave this window in memory of her. The dark yellow cut glass, hand stained in black, reminds us of the Gates of Heaven that await all those who are called God's good and faithful servants.

May God bless and keep you along the way, and shine his colorful light all around you!


(Much of the information on the symbolism in this blog was taken and adapted from the book "Church Symbolism, An Explanation of the More Important Symbols of the Old and New Testament, The Primitive, The Medieval and the Modern Church," by F. R. Webber, Copyright 1938, J.H. Hansen, The Central Lithograph Co., Cleveland, OH)

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