First Monday in Advent
Wonder of a Star
(Light the 1st Purple Candle)
And the star they had seen in the east went on ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. They were thrilled and excited to see the star.
Matthew 2:9-10
There are different things in our lives that thrill us aren’t there? The wise men were thrilled, after their encounter with King Herod, to see that the star was still in the sky and still leading them. We need to be thrilled when we see signs of God in our lives. What are the things particular to the seasons of
Advent and Christmas that really thrill you? How do they remind you of the true meaning of Christmas?
The star was not only something that was thrilling to behold, but it was leading them on the right paths to Jesus! Jesus’ star thrills and leads us still today.
Jesus, let your star be a light to our paths today! AMEN
Song of the Day: O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem