Fourth Monday in Advent
Wonder of a Promise
(Light 3 Purple and 1 Pink Candles)
Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “Peace be with you.” John 20:26
We long to see Jesus
don’t we? The disciples after Jesus’ crucifixion longed to be with Jesus again. They were scared that they would be killed next. Then Jesus appears among them and offers them another promised gift: PEACE.
Our world certainly could use some peace right now. Between the pandemic and other sources of unrest, we need to show the world that God offers peace through the gift of his son Jesus.
Share a way in which you can offer the gift of Peace through Jesus Christ to others this week.
God, we long to see Jesus and we long for peace. Show us ways we can bring peace to the world. AMEN
Song of the Day: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel