Fourth Sunday in Advent
Wonder of a Promise
(Light 3 Purple and 1 Pink Candles)
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has looked favorably on his people and redeemed them.
Luke 1:68
As we enter this fourth week of Advent, we look to the Wonder of the Promise that the birth of Jesus brings.
One of the promises that Jesus brings is redemption.
Jesus comes to redeem us from our lost time, our misplaced faith, and our misguided wanderings. Jesus seeks to give us a path back home to God.
Take time to think on the time spent away from God and use the next couple minutes to focus on the lights of your Advent wreath. Give these things to God in silent prayer and make a promise to stay close to God this week.
God, redeem my misspent time and bring me closer to you today. AMEN
Song of the Day: Blessed Be the God of Israel