Fourth Tuesday in Advent
Wonder of a Promise
(Light 3 Purple and 1 Pink Candles)
Therefore, imitate God like dearly loved children. Live your life with love, following the example of Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1-2
God’s promise of unconditional love is shown in his gift of Jesus to us. Not only as Lord and Savior but as the one who came to die for us. No greater love exists than when one person chooses to die for another, and Jesus chose to die for all people. This kind of love is given to us as a gift that is to be given in the way that we live our lives.
Share one or two ways that you can share this unconditional love as a gift this Christmas season. Who will you give this gift to? How will it change their life?
God, help me to love as you have loved. Help me to give my life to you for your glory. AMEN
Song of the Day: Nino Lindo (Child So Lovely)
This video is all sung in Spanish as this is a Traditional Venezuelan Christmas Hymn
Here is the original text and the translation
Nino lindo ante ti me rindo Child so lovely, here I kneel before you
nino lindo eres to mi Dios child so lovely, you are Christ my God
Esa to hermosura You have heaven's beauty
ese to candor and God's purity
el alma me roba stealing my devotion
me roba el amor stealing all my soul
La vida, bien mio All my life, my darling
y el alma tambien and my soul as well
te ofrezco, gustoso this is what I offer
rendido a tus pies falling at your feet
Adios, tierno infante Adios, tender baby
adios, nino adios adios, child, adios
adios dulce amante adios, sweet beloved
adios nino adios adios, child, adios