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Second Monday in Advent

Second Monday in Advent

Wonder of a Name

(Light the 1st & 2nd Purple Candles)

Scripture calls Jesus many names: Lord and Savior, salvation, a Light, the Word, Good Shepherd, Prince, Head of the church, pioneer and perfecter of faith, mediator, Alpha and Omega, First and Last, Beginning and End. Taken from many scripture verses.

Of these names above, which one means the most to you and why? Share with one another or wonder for a moment what it is about this name for Jesus that rings true for you.

No matter which name for Jesus is most meaningful to you, it is obvious that Jesus is what is needed for each of us in our unique situations and set of needs. Isn’t it wonderful that God has given us such a gift in Jesus!

God, we stand in awe of your gift of Jesus and all that he is and does for us. Thank you. AMEN

Song of the Day: There’s Just Something About That Name

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