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Second Thursday in Advent

Second Thursday in Advent

Wonder of a Name

(Light the 1st & 2nd Purple Candles)

I have called you by name. You are mine...bring my sons…and daughters…everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory

Isaiah 43:1, 6-7

We spend our whole lives being told that we need to “Make a name for ourselves” so that we can make it in this world. Isn’t it strange that we are told that we need to make a name for ourselves when God has clearly already called us by name and called us His! Not only do we belong to God, but we were created for HIS glory!

Take a moment to think about and then share the things that you have done to make a name for yourself. Now share one thing that you can do to be who God wants you to be.

God, as we wait for the coming of your son Jesus, help us to be the people you have called us to be. AMEN

Song of the Day: Tell Out, My Soul

(Again, two musical settings with the same text)

Traditional Music and Text

Contemporary Music - Traditional text

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