Third Monday in Advent
Wonder of a Manger
(Light 2 Purple and 1 Pink Candles)
This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger. Luke 2:12
Imagine that you didn’t know the Christmas story and an angel popped up in the sky and told you that the Savior, Messiah, Lord had been born and you were going to get to be the first one to meet him! And then you find out that he’s in a barn wrapped in cloths and lying in a feeding trough.
Share what your thoughts would be upon hearing this. Do you think it makes a difference that it was shepherds that heard the message? Does their perspective on life have anything to do with their reaction to the message?
Take time this week to receive and wonder over the message of God sending his Son Jesus to earth for you!
God, Fill us with wonder as we hear the angel’s announcement today. AMEN
Song of the Day: Angels from the Realms of Glory